We have a deep understanding of the market and can provide you with reliable and efficient shipping solutions. Brazilian sugar exporters is always working to handle all aspects of the transportation process, from loading the sugar at the port of origin to ensuring a smooth delivery at the port of destination. If you would like to proceed. We look forward to the opportunity to help you achieve a successful shipment. Get a quote.

Shiploader sugar in bags
The Port of Santos is located in the city of Santos, São Paulo, Brazil. As of 2006, it is the busiest container port in Latin America.
It possesses a wide variety of cargo handling terminals - solid and liquid bulk, containers, and general loads. It is Brazil's leading port in container traffic. The terrestrial access system to the port is made up of the Anchieta and Imigrantes highways and the railroads operated by Ferroban and MRS.
Today it is Latin America's largest port. Its structure is considered Brazil's most modern.
In the early 20th century, major overhauling and urbanization created the port's modern structure seen today, eliminating the risk of diseases and providing the port with modern, industrial-age infrastructure.
The location of the city of Santos was chosen at a convenient point for crossing the Serra do Mar mountain range, which is the main obstacle to accessing the interior. The first railway link from the port to the state capital São Paulo City, 79 km away, and the state's interior, was completed in 1864. This allowed for easier transportation of the vast masses of migrant workers who headed to São Paulo and the state's numerous coffee farms. The main product exported by Santos until World War II was São Paulo state's huge coffee production, Brazil's largest. Today, coffee has become a smaller component of Brazil's exports and cars, machinery, orange juice, soybeans, and sugar are now some of the port's main exports.
São Paulo's industrial complex and Cubatão's heavy industries and refineries owe their existence to the port of Santos.
The Port of Santos today holds the 39th position in container traffic in the world for Brazil sugar suppliers
Port Commerce
The Companhia Docas do Estado de Sao Paulo is responsible for managing and maintaining the Port of Santos. In 2006, over 76 million tons of cargo passed through the Port of Santos, with over 5600 vessels carrying over 52 million tons of exports and 24 million tons of imports. These shipments included over 1.6 million TEUs of containerized cargo.
The major cargoes were exports of sugar (19.9 million tons) and soya grains (9.2 million tons), with smaller quantities of pellets, alcohol, fuel oil, and orange juice. Coffee exports in 2006 were over 926 thousand tons. Major imports through the Port of Santos included fertilizers (2.3 million tons), wheat (1.4 million tons), and liquefied petroleum gas (520 thousand tons).
Brazilian sugar manufacturers Port of Santos covers more than 7.7 million square meters and contains 9.4 thousand meters of public docks. In 2008, most vessels carried general cargo through the port, while liquid bulk and container vessels also visited the port.
SANTOS PORT: Sugar in bulk and bags is usually at following terminals:
COSAN TERMINAL (wharf 19):
a) Location: Santos
b) Draft: 12,20 mts
c) Commodities: Sugar in bulk and Hipro SBMP.
d) Air draft: 14,50 meters. WLTHC light ship. 13,00 meters WLTHC laden ship..
e) Max LOA:
1) 240 meters
2) 220 meters. Wharf is 240 meters long and ship loaded travels on a 180-meter span rail track. Vessel greater than 220 meters may have to
warp a number of times fore and aft to place the extreme hatches in the limits of the ship loader’s arm reach.
f) Max Beam:
1) 32,20 meters. Vessel wider than 32.20 meters may berth paying extra stevedoring labor and caterpillar track tractor rental costs. It must negotiable prior to fixing.
2) Maximum distance between the hatch coming edge to the ship’s guardrail: 8,5 m
3) For vessels with beam inferior to 23 meters, a pair of fenders must be placed between ship’s hull and quay so as to place hatches within the operative reach of the ship loader’s arm.
g) Equipment: 02 ship loaders linked/fed by belting system
h) Number of berths: One (one vessel at a time)
i) Load rates with 2 gangs: 1) Usual Bulk Sugar: 35.000 mt per day
2) Usual Hipro SBMP: 15.000 mt per day
j) Working time: 24 hours a day (4 shifts) SHINC
k) Storage capacity: 1) Sugar: 05 sheds with 220.000 mt
2) Grain: 01 shed with 30.000 mt (Hipro/SBMP)
a) Location: Santos
b) Draft: 12,20 meters
c) Commodities: products of vegetable origin in bags or in bulk
d) Air draft: 11,00 meters (Bagged).
Air draft: 21,00 meters (Bulk).
e) Max LOA:
1) 250 meters
2) The ship loader traveling distance range is of 230 meters.
f) Max Beam:
1) 24,00 meters for sugar in bags.
2) 40 meters for bulk shipments only. Jet sling cargo trimming.
g) Equipment: 02 ship loaders / Bagged
01 ship loader / Bulk
h) Number of berths: One (one vessel at a time)
i) Load rates: 1) Usual Sugar in bags: 5.000 mt per day
2) Usual Sugar in bulk: 30.000 mt per day
j) Working time: 24 hours a day SHINC
i) Storage capacity: 1) Bagged: 03 shed with 1.200.000 bags
2) Grain: 02 shed with 120.000-mt bulk
The Port of Paranagua is the seaport for the Brazilian state Parana’s capital, Curitiba. The city of Paranagua is the state’s oldest, having been founded in 1648. It is famous for its outstanding port facilities. Located on the Paranagua Bay at the foot of the Serra do Mar, it is a short 29 kilometers from the Atlantic Ocean. In 2005, over 139 thousand people called the Port of Paranagua home.
By the middle of the 20th Century, the Port of Paranagua was a thriving commercial center based on the export of soy, coffee, hides, paper, tea, beans, cotton, plywood, bananas, and sugar. An oil terminal was constructed in the 1970s, further enhancing the port’s important role for the state of Parana.
Port Commerce
The State of Parana has two important ports: Paranagua and Antonina. Together, they move about 28 million tons of cargo annually. Almost all (90%) of the port activities are controlled by private interests.
The Port of Paranagua is the biggest exporter of soy beans in Latin America, but it can handle all types of cargo. It is Brazil’s largest port for shipment of grains and its second biggest maritime terminal. It is connected to inland Parana by road and rail networks.
Covering more than 2.3 million square meters, the Port of Paranagua has storage capacity for over 1.2 million tons of bulk cargoes. Its docks are a total of 2.6 thousand meters long with alongside depth from 8 to 13 meters. It contains 24 warehouses with 70 thousand square meters for the storage of general cargo and 78 storage tanks with capacity to store 260 thousand cubic meters of liquid cargo. Its container yard covers almost 303 thousand square meters, and the Port of Paranagua can process 25 containers per hour. The port also has capacity to store 60 thousand tons of sugar and seven thousand tons of refrigerated cargoes.
The Port of Paranagua is Brazil’s most important port for the export of agricultural commodities, exporting 2 million tons of soy beans, 7 million tons of soy pellets, and 200 thousand tons of maize each year. The port area includes 21 silos with total capacity to store 760 thousand tons of soy and grain. The silos are connected to the loading docks by conveyor belts that can load three Panamax vessels at the same time.
In 2007, the Port of Paranagua handled general cargoes of over 5.8 million tons of exports and 2.7 million tons of imports. It handled over 25 million tons of dry bulk and almost 4 million tons of liquid bulk cargoes. The Port of Paranagua handled almost 300 thousand TEUs of exports and about the same number of imports of containerized cargo. Almost 2500 vessels carried this cargo through the port.
PARANAGUÁ PORT: Sugar in bulk is usually at following terminals:
- max draft 37 ft bw density 1016
- max LOA 225 m
- max airdraft 16,00 m
- working 2400 hr daily SHINC
- loadrate 9-10.000 mt daily, being performed by 01 or 02 shiploaders.
- waiting time 02-03 days
- Max draft 37 ft bw density 1016
- Max LOA 190 m
- Max air draft 16,42 m
- Loading rate 15000 mt/daily
- 01 ship loader
- Working 2400 hr shinc
- Waiting time 14-15 days
- max draft 33 feet bw density 1016
- max LOA 205 m
- max airdraft 16,00 m
- working 2400 hr daily SHINC
- loadrate 8-9.000 MT daily, being performed by 01 shiploader
- waiting time 01-02 days
Berth 212
- max draft 39'03" ft bw density 1016
- max LOA 225 M
- max airdraft 15,50 m
- working 2400 hr daily SHINC
- loadrate 10.000 mt for sugar daily, being performed by 02 shiploaders.
- waiting time 04-05 days
Berth 214
- max draft 39'07" ft bw density 1016 - max LOA 245 M
- max airdraft 16,50 m
- working 2400 hr daily SHINC
- loadrate 10.000 for sugar daily, being performed by 02 shiploaders.
- waiting time 04-05 days
The city is located between Mundaú Lake and the Atlantic Ocean. The city proper has a total population of 922,458 inhabitants (year 2006) living under a tropical climate with average temperature of 25°C (77°F).
Around 1,180,000 people live in its Metropolitan Region of Maceió (year 2005). The city began in an old sugar mill and plantation complex around the 19th century. Its development started with the arrival of ships taking wood from Jaraguá bay.
With the installation of the sugar mills, Maceió started to export sugar, then tobacco, coconut, leather, and some spices. Prosperity made it possible for the settlement to become a village on December 5, 1815. Thanks to its continued growth, Maceió became the capital of the Alagoas Province on December 9, 1839.
Maceió is also a port city and due to its port development about 200 years ago it changed from a village into a city.
Port of Recife
The Port of Recife is capital of the State of Pernambuco in northeastern Brazil and the center of a busy industrial area. Named for the many reefs at the city’s shores, The Port of Recife lies where the Capibaribe and Beberibe Rivers meet at the Atlantic Ocean. It is called the “Venice of Brazil” due to the many waterways that cross the city and divide it into separate parts linked by bridges. The Port of Recife is Brazil’s fifth biggest metropolitan area, with about 1.6 million people living there in 2007.
Being the major industrial area for the State of Pernambuco, many industries are located here, many producing products made from sugar cane. Other important industries include the manufacture of electronics and foodstuffs. The Port of Recife is Brazil’s second biggest medical center after Sao Paulo, and it has a fast-growing tourist industry
Riots up set the city during the 18th Century when the rich farmers of nearby Olinda and traders from the Port of Recife struggled for control of the sugar trade. However, Olinda had no harbor, and the Port of Recife’s harbor is one of the biggest on the Atlantic Coast. The struggle ended with the Port of Recife growing to become a large city and Olinda remaining a small town. Today, the Port of Recife is home to opulent colonial buildings and a rich history.
Port Commerce
With alongside depth of 10 meters, Berth 00 handles sugar and has two horizontal silos with capacity to store 200 thousand tons of sugar. With alongside depth of 10 meters, Berths 1 and 9/10 handle grains and have capacity to move 100 tons per hour. Berth 2 is dedicated to containers and has alongside draft of 12 meters. Berths 3 and 4, with 12 meters alongside depth, handle dry bulk cargoes and include four vertical silos that can store 10 thousand tons of grains. Berths 5-8, 11, and 15 handle general cargoes. Berths 12-14 handle bagged sugar.
The Port of Recife has 16 warehouses for general cargoes covering a total of almost 53 million square meters. It also has uncovered cobblestone yards of almost five thousand square meters for general cargo. An area of 75.5 thousand square meters is reserved for heavy and containerized cargoes, and the Port of Recife offers backland area of 180 thousand square meters for storage and handling of additional cargoes.Today, the Ministry of Transports manages the port through the Companhia Docas do Rio Grande do Norte (CODERN) (Portuguese). The modern port contains 16 berths with almost three thousand meters of quay at depths varying from 8 to 12 meters of depth. Three berths have terminals for sugar and grains. Two berths are dedicated to containerized cargo, and eight berths handle general cargoes. Two berths handle dry bulk, and two berths are dedicated to reefer cargo.